Hi. I'm J and I'm new to the Healing Well community (this is my very first topic
)! I've been in chronic pain for over two years now and it's very nice to find a site like this where I can talk with people who are having similar problems. I'm 21 years old and I sometimes feel like I'm the only person in the world who is my age and also incapacitated by chronic pain. I'm finally fed up with my peers treating me like I'm diseased and I'm tired of worrying about
it. I'm ready to move on with my life and I guess I figured that the best way to do it would be to ask some questions and maybe get to know some people who already have done, or who are doing, just that.
My doctor tells me that I have Fibromyalgia Syndrome - a loooong story for another time. I am on Flexerol (muscle relaxant) and Ultram for that already and I'm only mentioning it because I'm not sure if there is a connection to FMS and my migraines.
Ever since I can remember my mother had gotten migraines. I couldn't understand why she was so incapacitated by them. Why her headache would make her vomit. Why we had to drive her to the emergency room and miss opening Christmas presents. Then when I got my first cycle I also got my first migraine . . . and I understood everything. I got more and more of them as I got older, and they always seemed to be associated with my cycle. Now I have a new problem with migraines.
This problem is that every morning for almost 5 months now I have been waking up with very bad headaches or even migraines. There was a point in late April-early May that I had a migraine for over 2.5 weeks (just in time for my college finals ). I was given anti-nauseate injections and headache injections twice in the ER during those weeks when my regular migraine and headache medication did not help (Advil, Imitrex, Fiorinal, Excedrine Migraine, and lots of coffee). None of them helped me in the slightest. I was put on Prednizone, a Beta blocker, anti-depressants, and anti-nausea medications along with my regular migraine meds but nothing helped. Finally, one of the three doctors I saw suggested (since my finals were more stressful than usual this year) that they may be tension headaches instead of migraines. I went on vacation out to the Four Corners States and saw the Grand Canyon with a bunch of friends after finals, thinking that the relaxation and fun would relieve my tension. It certainly did that . . . but my headaches found little relief. The one thing I did notice was that instead of having constant pain I would wake up with an "yikes-headache!"-soon-to-be-migraine or a relatively minor migraine. I often took a long hot shower and some Excedrine Migraine but I found that the headache would lessen but never disappear until I took my actual migraine medicine. Then I would find relief . . . but it would always be back the next morning.
It's so weird . . . even if I lie down to take a nap in the afternoon I wake up with a headache again!
I've been back and forth to many doctors and they all have different ideas, none of which seem to work. I thought that I just needed to chill out and relax during summer break, but just today the straw broke the camel's back. I was having a liesurly morning ignoring my minor headache and helping my father finish our guest room in our summer house by the ocean. It was peaceful and wonderful, not a care in the world and I just felt weird. I always just feel "weird" about 30 minutes before a really bad migraine. Sure enough, I was in bed with the heating pad in minutes and didn't get up for hours. This is the third "bad" migraine in three days and the Imitrex and other migraine medications I've used for years are beginning to help less and less. I'm very frusterated.
So that's my story. Sorry about the length . I hope it's at least somewhat intelligible and I look forward to anyone's suggestions! Thanks so much for your help and care!