(i replied to your other post also)
I was on twice the recommended dosage of Topamax for years and I never had any problems with surgery. I had kidney surgery, I had my gallbladder removed and things like that all under general of course.
I noticed something when I was pregnant (my baby is 3 month old) that ALOT of medications have precautions like that and I think they are CYT-"cover your tail" so they can say (if they needed to), "well, there was a warning"
FOR EXAMPLE: during breastfeeding I needed to take pain medications and on the phamplets that came with the meds said things like "not recommeded for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding" and I talked to multiple lactation consultants and called medicine companies and there was no specific reason other than they didnt know FOR SURE what would happen (it hadnt been tested enough)
sooo...with that being said I am pretty sure you are fine. If it were things like bloodthinners or even bp meds they might need to know (one so you dont "bleed out" during surgery and bp meds because your blood pressure might drop too low with anesthesia)