Hello, I just joined this forum and have found reading some of these posts very helpful. My current problem with headaches might not seem as severe as some of the people writing on this board but I still feel the need to tell my story in the hope of feeling a bit more reassured about things, I generally try to ignore headaches but at the moment I am getting a lot and it has been on and off over a long period of time, I think to myself now, I always got a bloody headache!
I am a 29 year old male and started getting very bad migraines when I was around 14 years old, I would have an aura for about 30 mins then that would go and the pain would kick in for about 6 hours until vomiting, after that there would be a dull pain for around 3 days. I stopped getting the auras at around 18, since then I still get migraines, the severe pain that in some cases renders me incapable of wanting to move, its not unusual for a migraine these days to drag out for 2 days then have a less intense aftermath for 3 more days, but they rarely reach the intensity they did when I was younger.
I can bear the migraines, they are horrible but you have a way of forgetting them when they are gone, call me weird but sometimes when coming to the end of one of these attacks I feel strangely energised. At the moment my problem is the frequency of headaches I get, I seem to have one all the time, and feel I have been living this way for at least 3 years but as sometimes they go I kind of shrug it off, sorry if this makes no sense. I seen doctors about this but they say its nothing to be concerned about, I get paranoid sometimes about brain tumours and stuff like that, I think I would feel to scared to have a scan in case my worst fears were confirmed.
I have no other symptoms, just headaches, a lot of them, sometimes dull annoying aches, other times very severe. I recently had dizzy spells but the doctor said it was an ear infection, that was 6 or so months ago and I haven’t had dizzy spells since. I use a lot of pills, mainly aspirin, when I say a lot I mean every day and twice a day in some cases, I tried to cut down on them for health reasons such as a hole getting burned in my stomach! The rebound headache thing I don’t know a lot about might apply to me because of the amount of medication I take.
I wont go on anymore, sorry for rambling and thank you if you read this, any help and advice would be appreciated