Hi, I'm a 36 year old male and have suffered from migraine attacks from about the age of 5 years old. Until my late 20's these attacks were manageable (so far as is possible with migraine!!) with about 2-3 per year. However, from my late 20's through today, my migraine pattern seems to have changed. I now go through phases of weeks (4-8) where I can experience anything upto 3 per week, all with the same symptoms as my bi or tri-yearly ones of years gone by i.e. eye aura, headache, then (sometimes) nausea. The symptoms have always remained constant. After this, what I refer to as "cluster period" passes, I can go for the same period of weeks without experiencing any attacks, and life is good.......then they come back again! I've gone through a number of preventative and reactive drugs from my GP (Pizotofen, immigran etc etc) in the past, but generally I still experience these attacks flying under the radar of all medication! I've also had a brain scan carried out (no abnormalities found), and had numerous appointments with my GP and neurologists about this, but I'm just told "you're a sufferer!!" I lead a particularly active lifestyle, so sitting or lying at home prone with these awful things doesn't sit well with me. I've done all the food/activity diaries etc to see if I can pin down my "trigger", but the bottom line is that all of these things are a constant throughout my "cluster" attacks and the time when I am not experiencing any, thereby making no sense of trying to pin the blame on any one thing! I'm going through one of my "clusters" presently, and have decided to write this post as I'd be interested to hear if anyone does, or has experienced this type of migraine?? Any chat/help is good help!! FRUSTRATED!