My name is Kim. I am a 27 year old mother of 2. In June of 2010, I was sitting at my desk at work experiencing some chest pains, shortness of breath, vision loss, and extreme drowsiness... along with elevated heart rate of 125. So I sent my boss an email, that for somereason she took really seriously.. all I said was " My chest hurts, I am having a hard time breathing, I want some asprin and to go home and take a nap" Within 30 seconds she and 10 others were at my desk. Fortunately for me, I work for a nursing home, and the DON checked me. Needless to say I was sent directly to the ER. I was admitted 6 hours later with swelling in my brain on the right side ( also the side my vision was blurred) I spent 2 days on the neurology floor, with heart rates soaring in the 150's +, finally they had to put me on oxygen because my O2 levels were only in the 80's.
At this point, I had had 3 MRI's, 2 CT scans, 2 spinal tap, and multiple blood draws! I was a living pin cushion. This was getting ridiculous. The primary physician I had at the hospital came in and explained that my EKG was normal, but he was overly concerned with how fast my heart was beating, and the low oxygen level. I was sent to ultrasound for the "bubble test" I saw the hole in my heart before the tech did. It was a 1 inch hole! Pretty massive.. how the danger was described to me was.. " you're like one of those athlete's that drop dead on the field" Less than 2 hours later I was in surgery to close the hole in my heart, at 26 years old.
In September of 2010, I started experiencing migraines. They started out every few days then progressed to everyday... then it lasted for 13 weeks straight. I saw a new neurologist, because quite frankly I did not care for the one at the hospital one bit. The new neurologist ran some test, I had another CT scan, and they found 2 small blood clots in the right side of my brain. SCORE!!! We found it! Now for the next 3 weeks I got 2 shots per week of blood thinners to dissolve the clots. That worked, but the blood thinners took their toll. Fortunately, my boyfriend took very good care of me during this. But even after the clots dissolved I am STILL having migraines, atleast 3 per week. I fight them and go to work everyday because I am a single mommy, and I have to do what I can.
So yet again, I switched to a new neruologist last week. Nothing has been done yet, all my medical records need to be sent over to his office.
So here are the symptoms I have now.... maybe some of you have some insight on what I can do..
I am having shortness of breath, tightness in my chest, chest pains, severe headaches, and elevated heart rates frequently...