I completely sympathise with you!!!
I too am no longer able to work because of these migraines/headaches every single day. I've also had neurologists pretty much tell me to 'learn to live with it'!!! I can't just accept that.
I've had a particularly bad week this week, waking up with a very painful migraine every day, take my medication, feel better after a few hours of bad pain only for it to return the next day. I understand that some drugs can cause rebound but this doesn't make sense for me because I can suddenly be totally fine for a week to 10 days with no drugs needed whatsoever and suffer no withdrawal type ill effects. I just suddenly feel fine so don't need to take anything.
My partner and I have tried so much to alleviate this problem this past 6 months...both of us are determined to find the cause but it is frustrating to keep trying things, praying that this time it will provide relief only to be disappointed again. We have tried elimination diets, iron, magnesium, 5-htp supplements. We are careful to avoid all my known triggers (strong sunlight, stressful situations ect) but still have found no relief.
I have been on different types of preventative medication but none work for me the only thing that works are triptans when I have a full blown migraine which is very often now.
My next step is to try botox as my major migraines always seem to start in my sleep and as I know I frown a lot in my sleep I wonder if this is a cause of the pain.
I looked into TMJ being a cause a few years ago but am not convinced as I have a hard time sleeping with my mouth closed so don't see how I could be grinding my teeth!!
I am trying to stay positive but its hard when you start to run out of options! Will post on here about the botox when I have it done :)
keep smiling!