Hi everyone, just a few questions about
the thread, what are Imigran tablets? What is an Alcat food test and where can we get one, and lastly what is a Tuina? I have had daily migraines for 23 years, I am 37. I have weened myself off of everything this past year, so tired of all the medications, hours and money spent traveling all over for headache specialists so on and so forth. It's been rough this year however off all the medication except frova and the migraines really aren't any worse. At one point I was on 10 different daily medications arghhhhh. Trying to really focus on holistic now as I really feel the medications are toxic so any alternative treatments that have helped others I am interested in. The today show had a spot on migraines last week but I missed it, some kind of nerve stim implant??? Maybe something to look into. Praying for you all!! thanks! Robin