My name is Hollie and I'm 22 yrs. old.
After being diagnosed with almost 20 ear infections in 2 yrs. I was sent to an ENT doctor...
who told me that my ears are perfect except for some scar tissue on my ear drums.
Hard to tell how many times my family doctor misdiagnosed what she was seeing.
Then about 6 mos. ago I started getting horrible headaches.
-numbness and tingling in my face
-sharp pains
-pain behind my eyes
-my ears still hurt like they are full of fluid
when the headaches come on, it almost feels like a seizure and as it persists i can hardly move or speak clearly.
A couple of weeks ago I had an MRI done and it came back fine.
Now my ENT specialist is sending me to a neurologist and as soon as my new insurance takes effect I am going to see an optamologist.
is there anything else I should do?
is a similar situation driving anyone as crazy as it is me.