Hi, I am a 49 year old female. I've been on the birth congtrol pill forever. I've had a similar experience. I woke up one day and felt weird. I was kinda grouchy. I went to work and sat through a meeting, feeling terrible throughout. The feeling was like I was not feeling right. I couldn't explain the feeling. The feeling was in my whole body. After the meeting I want back to my office and started feeling worse. Just felt terrible. Then I got really confused, couldn't focus, and the words I wanted to say were not coming out right. I was slurring my words. I felt terrible. I work in a hospital so they made me go to the ED. I went through all the tests: MRI, EKG, EEG, blood work, scan of my brain, sonogram of my corratid artiery. Everything look good. No one knew what to do with me. I was discharged and told I had a TIA and to call my PCP and to take a baby aspirin.
My PCP ordered a echocardiogram and bubble test. I have a minor mitral reguration. The bubble test was inconclusive. The report said this could be indicative of PFO or transpulmunary path. The recommendation was to have a transesophageal echocardiography (if clinically indicated). I felt I should be followed by a neurologist. I made an appointment and he disgnosed me with a complicated migraine. He prescribed Gabapentin to take for a little while. I took two today and felt woozy. I can't work like that so I probably won't take it tomorrow. He also prescribed Verapanil 120 mg to take every day. He seemed to think I would take this forever. I have low blood pressure any way, and this is just used to lower blood pressure. Not sure if this is the way to go. Any suggestions? The bottom line is that I do not want to have a stroke!!