The American Academy of Neurolgy in April 2012 came out with an updated review of all options for prevention and their relative effectiveness. This included prescript
ion and supplements, as well as behavioral (relaxation, CBT, etc). It is a great resource to review.
Although many prescript
ion medications can be useful, so can natural supplements. These can be used alone, on combination with others or in combination with prescript
ion medications. We make a product with magnesium, riboflavin, CoQ10 and feverfew all in one twice daily supplement and it has been very effective for people (its called Migraine-Away). Magnesium alone is very good as is another called butterbur.
I encourage you to loot at some trusted headache organizations (AAN, AHS, etc) for information.
Best wishes for a New Year of greater migraine control. There are many options and getting some sense of control of your migraines is immensely important for well-being.
Post Edited By Moderator (Blessedx8) : 12/31/2012 1:48:57 AM (GMT-7)