I have had migraines like forever, but I've recently been really researching every source of information I can find on the subject of triggers. My big trigger is change in weather/environment/temperature. Next is probably hormones. After that, it gets sticky. I want to avoid anything that might give me a headache, but figuring out what to avoid is another story.
MY BIG GRIPE is that you can't make a definitive list of triggers. Seems like every book or article I read has a bunch of triggers listed, but a lot contradict each other. Like caffeine, trigger or not? Stress, trigger or not? Dairy products, triggers or not? If some dairy products are OK, which ones are they? Are you sure? ARRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!
I could go on and on. How the heck can I try to avoid things that might give me a migraine if the so-called "experts" can't even agree on a consistant list. Granted, nothing in medicine is written in stone, but every "authority" makes a case for why their information is most accurate. Since they all do this, who do you listen to, especially since triggers can apparently affect you a day or two before they end up giving you the migraine. This is making me insane.
Any comments?
Leigh Ann