Hello, I have had migraines since I was a kid but now I have this new headache and wondering if it is even a migraine. My typical migraine was an aura followed by pounding pain in temple. about
10 years ago I got pregnant lost the baby and experienced a different headache. It felt like the lights where flickering and they where not. Then I would get a pain in my temple but sometimes the pain was over my forehead and into my nose. It would switch on and off all day from the forehead and nose and sometimes to the temple. With nausea. I experienced these headaches for 5 months non stop. Now 10 years later I am back to getting them. Has anyone got migraines in the nose area? I am starting to wonder if it is not migraines and if it is Intracranial Hypertension.
I am starting to lose it and getting major panic attacked and depression over it. I am going on 1 month of headaches every single day.