Hopefully I may get some additional answers in this forum. I posted this originally in another forum. I have been through numerous ER trips (3 CT scans, 1 brain MRI, 1 brain MRA, 1 MRI of C-Spine - All normal). I don't think these things change too much so I was comforted by the results. Unfortunately, I still get tingling in my head - sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, sometimes on top. Sometimes the tingling will even spread down my arm. A few weeks ago I had a tingling episode where it felt like my face was drooping - even though I know it wasn't. I went to the ER and they found nothing. I have been evaulated by a neurologist and have no signs of ALS or MS or anything neurological in nature. Sometimes I feel like I have a vein swollen in my head or that a blood vessel just burst in there. I was convinced for a while that I was having a stroke but I can't argue with the doctors when there is nothing medically wrong. The best way I can describe what I feel is my head feels like it would after I sneezed - just without the sneezing part. Oh yeah - and sometimes my tongue tingles at the tip - does anyone have that? Please reply as I would like to know the proper course of treatment.