Dear Laura,
Again, thanks for your additional post. You've provided some reasonable questions to ask when I see this MD again 2/6/06. If I don't receive any reasonable answers, I'll have to find another neurologist. Just seems odd that the old "if it's female, give her a painkiller, Xanax, and tell her she'll be fine", is as alive and practiced today as it probably was in 1900! And will probably remain until 3000, the way the research community is going. There will be no impotent males but women will be dropping like flys. (Again, men never seem see the big picture )
His reassuring "you'll be fine, don't worry.... Call me if you have a problem" will be fine when I arrive DOA in the ER! I not sure I'll remember his number at that point. Maybe I should carry a note saying that Dr. ? says I'm fine. Don't worry. Must be one of those strange female hormonal things that's been going around. Oh well, just had to vent a little. I really appreciate the time you've spent to provide support.