I had tears fall from my eyes when I read these posts. I must thank all of you before I begin. So, thank you. I'm a 33 year old woman (obviously by my nick name) who has suffered with migraines my entire life. Well, most of what I can remeber of it. The first time I was treated for it was when I was 18 and had to go to the ER for a shot. I slept for 3 days.
I have been through the gammit of drugs, pain meds, shots, blood pressure pills, you name it, I have been on it. Unless they have JUST come out with it. I have tried it. Then, they put me on Topomax back in July. I still had migraines but they weren't as bad. Ok... cool. Then I got to where I only had them at "that time" of the month. Not a problem, my neuro treated me for that. So they weren't as bad. I have to mention, back then I was as randy as a stallion with a mare in heat. "I want some more" was all I ever said. Now... I'm a month a half away from my wedding date. And, well, I can't get it up, so-to-speak. When I do engage in premarital play... I cannot play to the utmost of my ability, whereas, previously I was blessed with the ability to play and play and play until the cows came home. I miss that. Desperately. So does my fiance.
Recently, The docs believe I had a stroke. I said "what?" We think you had a stroke". Although, there is no permanent damage and nothing shows up on the MRI, although there was something on the CAT scan. Why they did a spinal tap, I don't know. But, they had to do a blood patch to repair it. My neuro up'd my dosage of Topomax (which although I have to wear glasses now has been amazing) to 100 mg a day, Amitryptiline 50mg, Lyrica 50mg. I have Relpax for when I do get a break through migraine (those are amazing, but only if you take it with Ibuprofen 600mg and then follow in an hour with another Relpax), I try not to take any more narcotics or pain pills or what not.
I'm confused all the time now (just up'd the dosage), no sex drive, iritable, dizzy when I stand up. I stuttered really badly with the "stroke" episode thing... took over a week to come off from that. I have to concentrate on my words. They gave me tons of steroids in injections and by step down packs. I gained weight. I haven't really changed my eating habits. It's incredibly depressing. But, I see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel reading these posts. I'm not alone. Thank you. This too shall pass. Maybe it will all straighten out by the time I'm to slip into my wedding dress. And I better SLIP into it and not have to be POURED into it.
I should also mention that I have a HUGE list of foods that are triggers for migraine sufferers and found that it is pretty accurate.