Well things went well in Atlanta. I tell you the doctor i saw really knew his stuff! He explained this throughly to me and my husband. Long ride though! The guy put me on 4 new meds and tooks me off the other things that doctor had gave me. They put me on an anti seziure med...effexor...medrol dose pack...and some other med. Cant remember what it is. Anyway lets hope and pray this works!
I am going to try and go back to work Thursday. I have more blood work to determine what kind of migraine it is exactly and then have a thyoid scan done tomorrow.
Anyway how well did your step kids adapt to you being there? Mine didnt to start with but they are wonderful now! I couldnt ask for better step children. They are more like my own other than step children. Thanks for the replies. Will keep you posted as I go along with all this!