I started with some head swelling and one sided headache from back to front. CT came back fine. Balance off, vomitting, flashing lights, slurred speech. Spinal tap some elevated levels no menengitis- some antibiotics and lots of pain medication. Migraine medicatin imitrix was terrible- felt like I shot myself in my head. MRI came back o-kay pain not getting any better. The pain never went away it only would signiifcantly decrease with IV drugs. finally got in with neurologist took me off all meds except 7 days os medrol and continued trileptal. I just started the steroids today (1/2 half the does of trileptal last night) but I have noticed that every time that I take the steroids my headache gets worst and my memory is off. I couldn't remember my own mother's phone number today. I don't know if the two are associated but I need some guidance from someone with some personal experience. I seem to feel worse every time I leave a doctor's office. have been in pain for over a month with a one year old daughter that I am scared to hold for fear of dropping her or having her squel in delight and have my head pop off. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any advice advice would be so truly appreciated. Take care of yourselves! Kristina