Hey Headcase3,
First of all, welcome to the Migraine forum. I'm sure you will find a lot of useful information here, as well as moral support.
Having a daily headache is not normal, although I always have at least a mild headache everyday myself. Having had migraine attacks for the last 34 years (since I was 8), I've been through just about every type of migraine medication available. Taking TOPAMAX is a risky proposition. It works for a relatively small group of migraine sufferers, but the side effects can be horrible and can cause permanent problems. For me, TOPAMAX was POISON. It caused me permanent cognitive impairment and serious memory problems. I stopped using this crap over two years ago, and the side effects have never gotten any better. If you are taking this medication, and you are still having frequent headaches, it is not working for you as a preventative medication. If its not working, get off of it as soon as you can!!! There a quite a few strings regarding Topamax in this Forum, so if you have time, it would be worth your while to read as many of these posts as you can. They should give you a pretty complete picture of all the ramifications of taking this medication.
What you didn't mention was if you take any abortive medication, some medication that you take at the first sign of a migraine attack. There are a lot of different medications in this catagory, so you should be taking one of them. Also, do have any pain medication to take as an emergency back-up, in case the abortive doesn't work? If you don't have an abortive and an emergency pain medication, you need to get a prescription from your doctor for these types of medication. In addition, you might also ask for a med that helps with nausea if you have that symptom when you get a migraine attack.
The key to not having daily headaches is usually not taking your abortive medication or OTC medications more than two days a week, or exceeding the recommended dosage on those days. Following this rule should keep you out of the rebound cycle. It works for most people.
As far as suppliments go, Riboflavin (B2), Magnesium, and Feverfew are a good combo to take. I have a suppliment called MigreLief that contains these three, but it's kind of hard to find. I have to get it special ordered from an independant pharmacy a couple times a year. Not really sure what if any affect it has on my migraines. It can't hurt anyway, and it was recommended by a neurologist who has migraines himself.
I hope this has been helpful for you. Let us know how you are doing.
Leigh Ann