Good Morning. First, I have never heard of an insurance company excluding one problem (unless maybe it is suicide). Maybe someone else on here can address that. But, if your daughter has a health insurance policy and is having problems with migraines, can't you appeal the "no migraine" visits? Has she had a CT or MRI? For one, if she is having severe headaches, the only way that other things besides migraines can be ruled out is through one of those tests. I can't imagine an insurance company not allowing you to have your head checked to make sure there isn't something else going on. I would fight this 100%. Are migraines the only excluded illness/problems of this policy? If you don't mind my asking, what insurance company does she have?
I am sorry if I am rambling, but I am completely flabbergasted over this. For her to have this pain and not be able to get treated is unbelievable. Maybe there are others on here (snugglesrn, etc.) that can give you more advice. I feel for your daughter. I have three children and I couldn't function to raise them without my migraine meds and my neuro doc. In fact, yesterday morning, I woke up with a horrible migraine and had it not been for my meds, would most definitely had been in the ER.
Good luck and let us hear from you!