When I was in my mid20s my migraines got so bad I was in bed for a year and a half with a constant never left, and I too felt like life had been taken away. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. Your post didn't mention if you're under the care of a doctor, but the title says "cervical daily headaches". Is that what you've been diagnosed with? Who diagnosed you with this? Are you currently on any kind of headache treatment plan (i.e. medications, relaxation techniques, special diets, etc.)? If you don't already I would strongly suggest seeing a neurologist who specializes in migraines. In my experience, the general neurologists I encountered didn't have the same information or attention to the whole issue as a neurologist specializing in migraine/headaches did.
Also, hoping this isn't getting too personal...but when I was in bed in constant pain and angry at the feeling life was passing me by I got very depressed. One of the causes for both depression and migraines is decreased levels of serotonin (the chemical in your brain that lets you be happy) in the brain. Although getting on an antidepressant didn't help my migraines, it really helped a hopeless feeling I had been having. You might want to discuss this as an option with your doctor as well.
Wishing you a peaceful day!