Hi all,
Sunday morning I woke up with terrible pain on the left side of my face and ear. My entire ear front,back feel ready to be torn of. My face,and part of my jaw feel like it was crushed in. The left side of my forehead has like a pressure point that only hurts there(small size of a quarter). There is no brusing or redness.I did absoluty nothing for it to feel this way. Now today I feel some tingling on the left side of my face. It isnt numb or anything,just a strange tingle feeling.
I have UC,migraines and vertigo. I had a bout with bells palsey about 8-9 years ago. When I had beels palsey they did tell me once you get it,then you will probaly get it again. Only,I dont htink this is bells palsey. I have no drooping or sagging of my mouth or eyes.My skin is not numb,just tingle and pain. The only similairity is that it is the left side,just like when I had bells. I feel extra dizzy all weekend and just kinda out of it.
I have a doc appointment tomorrow for it...but feel silly for even going,like I am just being a baby or something. Anyone ever experience this or can shed some light for me.
I am totally freaking out here!!!!