Hi all, I am new here. I have suffered w/migraines for over 20 years, started when I was about
20 years old. Mine have been termed "common", meaning I don't get the aura that others get. My sister also suffers from migraines, and hers are the "classic" type - she gets the aura. Weird, huh? Anyway, it just sucks that it seems that I have suffered so long and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. I have taken so many different meds over the years, and seen so many doctors. I keep hoping that menopause will come in a few years and I will get lucky and they will disappear. My dr gave me a 50-50 chance of that happening. Or they will get worse. Some days are better than others, and I don't have a migraine every day. Every now and again, however, I have had occasions where I have had a migraine that lasted 3-4 days, and I have had to take prednisone to break the cycle. Those situations were absolutely horrible, and I think the doctor referred to them as status migraine. They were so painful, my brain felt as if it were going to squeeze out of my head!!! All I wanted to do was die..............I actually fired one doctor because when one of these episodes happened, I called the office to get a script
for the prednisone (it was a Sunday, so of course I had to speak to the service) and my doctor was not the on-call doctor. Can you believe that the on-call doctor would not give me the script
, instead they said I must go to the ER????!!!! I wasn't asking for a controlled substance, if he had taken the time to actually call me back (he didn't call me, the SERVICE did) I could have explained to him exactly what I needed. I could have called a veterinarian and gotten a script
for prednisone more easily then I got it from them. Luckily, I ended up finding a refill in my medicine cabinet, and just called that in. Then, I called that Monday and asked for my records so I could find a new doctor, one that has other doctors who will actually CALL YOU BACK when you call, and not relegate it to the service.
Anyway, sorry to ramble, but it's been 20 years of this crap, and sometimes I am just tired of it all.