ive had migranes for and still do have them.ive seen all that i can see and tested all kind of drugs but still they stay in my brain.i get some black out where i just forget where i am and my eyes go with all little colours like as if your pushing your eyes with your fingers hard.dont no why i am doing this post really just thought i would have a moan about
myself and my treatment.dont think they will ever go as had them so long that i even gave up work for them.and i wish i could go back to work what a pleasure it would be.the only thing that has reduced my migranes is a chiropractor whom ive saw every week then after so long moved up to 2 weeks and so on now i see her every 4 weeks but still i get my little pains but not as bad as they used to be.lets put it 1 way i was getting 3 to 5 a day now thats bad and well i think somewhere im getting about
2 a day now.
please any thoughts you may have please express them