Hey TMJ,
I've had tmj most of my life, luckly it wasnt too bad, just clicking when I open and closed my mouth. Lots of popping and freaking people out. LOL.... I loved to see the dentist and do it, he'd fall out of his seat.
In 2005 I started having major back problems, and for me to get up I'd grit my teeth, so I started getting migraines do to that. I had surgery in April of 2007, but I still have problems with migraines. They have put me on some different meds for migraines, most I could not get because I didnt have insurance and could not afford them, so I suffered. When I get a bad one, I have to get in a dark room and put a pillow over my head and just sleep. That usually helps, but I keep a headache most days, some are worse than others, but I can not think of a day in over 3 years now that I've not had a headache start or continue from the day before. They can last up to a week at a time. They do give me Vicodin for my back, and I try to take them sparingly, they can knock it down enough some days so I can atleast finish work and get home.
I dont have a guard or anything, I dont grind my teeth I just grit them. I wake up at nite gritting them and have to open my jaw to stop. I've just got back on the board, I'll try and come on more often.
Hope that helps, I know sometimes just knowing your not the only one helps too....
Talk to ya soon