Hi Headachegirl,
Welcome!!! I am hoping we can help you figure something out that will give you some peace of mind, if not relief!
First, I have to say that FOR ME, the long hair thing is just a myth. (I have extremely thick hair and a doctor tried to tell me that was the problem, so I cut it short...the headaches did not change at all- so don't run out desperate and chop your hair off like I did!)
I would talk to your doctor about PREVENTATIVES, it is much easier to prevent migranes/head pain than it is to stop it once it's in full force. If something is not working then find the next thing, just know ahead of time it may take a few different tries or even a combination. You do need to be prepared with a plan of attack when you do get a bad episode (what kind of acute meds will you take, can you lay down in a dark room, will you be able to relax)
Know that you are not alone with the fall season triggering bad episodes! I find that there is a really bad month in the spring but that SEPTEMBER is always a huge problem for me. I think it is the barometric pressure that affects my head pain.
Keep a migraine diary- that is a wonderful way to keep track of triggers as well as patterns and things that help make the pain go away!
Please keep in touch!