Hi Ann...I was put on this drug two years ago for depression that came after the deaths of four immediate family members, which resulted in a severe fibro flare. So...my rhuemy put me on Lexapro,(which he claimed would also help with fibro pain but it did nothing for that) which I assumed I could just stop taking when the depression passed. I immediately noticed a drastic change in my vision. A blurriness that happened primarily when I tried to read or type at the computer. I am a writer by profession so this was not a good side effect...kept going to the eye doctor for new glasses and he finally told me not to change my presciption again until I had been off this drug for a year as it is notorious for doing damage to the muscle of the eye that regulates focus. Anyway, I started to wean slowly four months ago...10mg to 7.5mg to 5mg over the course of weeks then when I got to 2.5 mgs the brain swishing/zaps started. I took 2.5 mgs for a week then just stopped and that's when the headaches started. I called the doctor and he acted surprised that I was having any withdrawals and just told me to go back on it. Called the pharamcist and asked her if there was anything I could take for the brain zaps. She tells me that she has been trying to get of this drug for three years and every time she weans the zaps are so bad she can't do her job...gave me HER phone number and told me to call her if I found anythng that relieved the headaches or zaps. So...to answer your question, did a very slow wean and these horrific headaches started the day I didn't take any Lexapro at all...and have not cut me a break since. This is the beginning of week four.
I do not want to go on another SSRI or continue to take this as I can't do my job...however I have been eyeballing the lexapro box daily as I can't even drive the car due to the brain swishes...can't move my head or blink my eyes. I hope I have the strength to go through this. I am a month into being off it completely and from what I am told...if I start again at this point I will suffer through the side effects ( that were terrible )when I first went on it.
Thank you for your response. I know there is nothing I can do, at this point. I'm lucky the hubby hasn't left me...LOL! Just goes to show ya...sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.