Looking for info/others who experience feeling hot & cold (alternating) while experiencing a migraine or immediately thereafter.
It is very annoying, I alternate between feeling like I'm going to freeze into a popsicle and then feeling like I'm about to burst into flames. Cold sweat alternating with hot flashes. Doesn't seem to matter if I have taken any meds or not, usually happens after the migraine is subsiding, but sometimes while the headache is still active.
I have had migraines most of my life. Been on lost of different meds, had tons of tests. Currently taking Inderal for migraine prevention ( does seem to be working - not as many headaches as before the Inderal), Estrace for hormone replacement, Antidepressant.
thanks if you have any info about this condition or if you experience it, what do you do to help yourself.
Have a good evening!
Grandma J