I am a 50 year old perimenopausal woman with a history of migraine with aura since the onset of menstruation. Never been treated for migraines as they had always been manageable, except whe I was pregnant. My migraines have usually followed normal patterns, 15 minute aura with some headache that responded well to motrin if taken right away. I believe there are serveral triggers, including weather, bright sunlight or florescent lights, and hormones and stressand allergens...sinuses too.
Within the past week I have noticed new symptoms that were alarming enough to seek out medical advice, landing me in the ER. I woke up one morning with a small patch of numbness under my left lip. I know my sinuses were bothering me on that side and the mold count was sky high that day---but thats all I can remember about any possible trigger. Most of my migraines have been right sided----so was alarmed. Lasted about 30 seconds and went away......had one more episode like this two mornings later followed by a day of foggy or cloudy thinking.........then the next day I had a full blown aura---which I hadn't had in years........the numbness and tingling in my face now was occurring on whatever side the headache appeared on that day. I was starting to panic about the symptoms since they were new and was worried about stroke, MS...? Called my regular doctor and he suggested since it was persisting to go to ER asap. This was this past Friday. I have no history of stroke, good vitals, no high BP, etc and exercise regularly. The CT was negative followed by a 23 hr stay to have a MRI of the brain w/ and w/o contrast that was also negative.
Im follwing through with my gp tomorrow in Chicago....but still having headaches...basically every day.....but on one side with symptoms on one side, then another day on the other side w/ same symptoms on that side. Ive never had a migraine last this long. I know Im stressed not knowing whats going on---so might be a contributor......any other woman that is going through this very lovely stage of life have any similar circumstances? Im going though the days, one at a time....but feel like Im not living fully.....in a fog.....some relief once in a while for a few hours or so....not sure why....taking motrin...helps a bit but seems to start first thing in the morning....sorry to ramble.....just very frustrated.