Iam 27 years old and have had this problem since I was 20 or so maybe earlier. (seems like forever ) but whenever I cough, or bend over, or strain in anyway I get this horrific pressure in my head. The pressure builds and builds unless I lay down or press on the top of my head. It can happen up to 15 times a day. Sometimes only a few times depending on if I strain. It has happened before just by standing. I have seen many doctors including emergency room doctors. I have had cat scans, mri, x rays, blood tests.....ect. but nothing came of it. Everything was normal. I have had this so long I thought of dealing with it, but it was so painful today and I was in a store and there was no place to lay down. ( obviously ) so I decided to seek further help, advice. Anyone that knows of this or has this problem please help. Thanks Tara