Hey Daphnie! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my post, I really appreciate it. You made my day!
I am so sorry to hear that you suffer from HM as well! I will say that just knowing I'm not the only one dealing with these scary head-aches does help a lot! Sorry to hear you had one just today! They're so rotten and rough! I don't know which is worse- dealing with the headache itself or dealing with the fear when another one will return.
I think I've been having them all week, not fully blown, thankfully. But my nose goes numb and tingly, as does my left ear-lobe and it feels like it's difficult to walk with my right foot. I wish there was a way to avoid them, but it seems like it's all reliant on medication. I heard some things about
Verapamil, which is a blood pressure medication, and supposedly works better for some people than Topamax. When I can finally get in to see a doctor I think I will talk to them about
that. It might be something to consider when you see your doc next week. :o
Anyways, thanks again for reaching out, I can't express my gratitude and how much better you've made me feel, just having someone who's been there. If you want to keep in contact, for support, you are more than welcome to email me or find me on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/reigaaru or
[email protected].
I hope you are feeling better soon and that you can find a break in between your migraines to get some rest! Best thoughts!
Sasha :)