Hi. My name is Elizabeth. On 7-14-2012, between 12:30pm and 1pm, I got a headache. I still have it. I have been to my PCP, 2 neurologists and a chiropractor. I have been to the ER twice and have had EMS at my house(due to severe reaction to Topomax). My current neurologist diagnosed me with NPDH. I stumbled upon this website today and read many posts from others with this diagnosis.I am amazed that so many people live life in such pain.
I am not on meds right now. Topomax caused horrible memory problems....to the point that I double dosed because I forgot I took the meds. Zonegran caused a horrible rash that I am still being treated for. My neurologist said he is going to prescribe Atenolol next. He wants to wait to let the Zonegran leave my system so we will know that any future allergic reactions are related to the new medication. I saw a chiropractor on 10-1-12 and will see him again for tx recommendations 10-5-12. Imitrex has eased the headache but has not knocked it out. Maxalt didn't do much at all. I went to ER 8-2-12 and MDs started me with IV of Benedryl, Zofran and Raglan. That knocked the pain down a few notches but not completely out. They then gave me Imitrex which knocked the pain down but not out.
I have not been pain free since the morning of 7-14-12. My family, friends and church family have been very supportive....amazing...but I guess I am scared that the support will melt away if this continues much longer. The pain has changed through the 81 days I have had it. At first it was throbbing like something was pushing to get out of my head....that has been what I have experienced the most. Then, about 2 weeks ago, the pain dulled to a 1 or 2 and then I would get shooting pains in my head that were bad. A friend who has migraines called those "ice pick" headaches. I never vomited with the headache until nearly 2 weeks ago. I took Imitrex that night and it took the pain from a 9 to a 2. I just can't knock this headache.
Has anyone had luck with Atenolol? If so....did you experience weight gain with it?
I just can't imagine living life with this head pain. Thanks for reading this. I will sure appreciate any feedback. Thank you.--Elizabeth