I have not been well the past few days. I thought it was due to a new prescript
ion, but now it has moved outside of that realm of possibilities. I am currently dealing with other health issues that have left me extremely low on iron and borderline anemic. I have a surgical procedure scheduled in 6 days and therefore, I must simply deal with the weakness until after it is done.
I have chronic migraine syndrome. I ran out of Topamax 3 days ago and thought it was no big deal until today. I take 200 mg a day. I didn't have it refilled due to financial issues. Now that I have been paid, the pharmacy isn't open again until Monday. I have blurred vision, sensitivity to light, nausea and a feeling behind my forehead that I can honestly say is more than normal dizzy. It almost feels as if I am trying very hard to stay conscious. The feeling is that my eyes are pulling into a cross and I cannot see clearly without great effort and strain. Bending over or vomiting causes me to see stars.
I do not want to go to the ER, but I am also afraid to go to sleep tonight. I know that I am sick elsewhere in my body and have a temp of 101. Not sure if it is a combination of the two.
The only thing I can think of to get me through until Monday would be possibly increasing my dosage of xanax. Any advice or suggestions?