Research Participants (couples) needed for Migraine Impact study.
Karen Bacher , PhD student from the Family Studies Program in the College of Education, IFCE Department, at University of New Mexico.and migraine patient for over 25 years, is currently collecting data for a study entitled “Migraine headache: A family affair.” The study seeks to explore the impact of migraine headaches on spouses/partners of patients with migraine headaches. We are seeking married or cohabitating heterosexual couples, aged 21 – 55 years of age, in which the female experiences chronic migraine and the male is migraine free.
Participation in this study involves completing an on-line survey. Both patient and partner complete their own version of the on-line survey at their own individual convenience. Participation in this study would take approximately 45 minutes per person. The study has been reviewed and has received ethics clearance through the UNM Internal Review Board/Human Protections Research Office.
Couples interested in participating may [email] for full eligibility criteria, benefits of participation and the link to which participants can access the survey on-line. Participants have the option of entering a drawing for a 100.00 Visa gift card at the end of the survey.
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Post Edited By Moderator (notsosicklygirl) : 8/4/2013 8:57:31 AM (GMT-6)