Posted 9/20/2013 2:51 PM (GMT 0)
Hi. I've suffered from migraines for at least 9 years. I've been on and off medicines (topamax, depakote, fiornal). Recently I started taking butterbur, magnesium citrate, and Vitamin B2. This seems to be helping my arthritis and also migraines. However, it does not help my abdominal migraines. I am 52 years old and abdominal migraines do happen to adults too, I'm learning. The thing I'm curious about is if anyone has this series of symptoms come on periodically... I wake up at 3 am, can't get back to sleep for anything; then I am super cold, then super hot; I start feeling very anxious, jittery, and when I get up I have an aversion to food. When I try to talk, my gag reflux kicks in. Every single one of these symptoms happen in this sequence every time. I figured this was abdominal migraine and my physician agrees. I took my fiornal and it used to help, but is helping less now and gives me rebound headaches. Wondering why though is this happening if my migraines seem to be better in general??? You might be thinking its menopause issues, but went on a pill and these episodes did not stop, nor the migraines in general. I also have thyroid nodules...5, but dr says levels are normal. Anyone have thoughts? I'm at my wits end. P.S. also been eating less gluten and head and arthritis feeeling better. Laurie