I'm new to this forum and am grateful to have found this place.
I'm wondering if I really do have migraines...I have a history of depression and anxiety. Headaches started around the same time ten years ago... They are in the back left area and sometimes radiate all the way to the front. They are better from chiropractic adjustments...sometimes going away completely. I also see spots of light and sometimes get pressure behind my eyes which the eye dr. said is classic migraine. I had a ct scan around seven years ago and its clear. The headache is often tolerable and I can function but sometimes gets so bad I take 200-800 mg of ibuprofen. Sometimes acetaminophen. This last time I was taking them around the clock for fourteen days before they subsided and chiropractic worked only the last of three visits. I know you can't diagnose but does this sound like your migraines or is this just tension or both?
Thanks for your help