So in January of this year I started having a lot of pressure headaches in my head, along wirh a stiff neck and dizziness. The pain made me pass out many times. After being rushed to the hospital after one of these black outs, I was diagnosed with Viral Menegitis. They did a spinal tap to test the results of the liquid, and during this procedure the doctor commented many times that he was having trouble getting the liquid to come out. He moved that table almost upside down, and had me move all over in order to try to get the liquid to start flowing. He had a hard time getting enough for the test. Well the test came out positive for viral menegitis and I spent three long nights in the hospital. After three nights I was still very dizzy, I couldnt get up from a lying position without getting dizzy and perhaps passing out from the horrible pain. But they sent me home.
it is Febuary and a month later I am still having the same sypmtons: Bad head pain/pressure on the right side of my head that lessens when I lay down. As soon as I sit up or god forbid WALK, well the head just is out of control. I find that my right eye is blurry, and my neck is still stiff. I feel like my whole body, especially the lower half, id so stiff and achy. I went to see a Neurologist who told me that my body wasnt replenishing the liquids to my spine fast enough and to BE PATIENT.
This is getting crazy. Last night I had an asthma attack, which by the way I havent have since in 10 yrs! My Neuro said: "it will go away...I think". Well that gives me hope. I live in a small town so getting a new doctor is always hard, and insurance...well I think we can understand.
Anyone have any suggestions as to what could really be causing this? The Neuro seemed so unsure of this. Also, if it is this problem, any suggestions as to how to make it a little more bareable?