Posted 2/28/2014 3:18 PM (GMT 0)
Hi everyone,I have dreadful head,neck and arm pain for over 4 months now,my neurologist told me I have OC neuralgia if it's anyone dealing with this condition cause I have some questions.I am only 22 years old and I feel this dreadful disease has ruined my life.I have a permanent tight band feeling in the parieto-occipital part of my head,neck and arm pain.I feel that my scalp and neck is burning and my neck is really tight.I can hardly sleep at night sometimes I just feel so much pain on the head and neck,I feel sometimes that I have a stick right in my head my neck,has anyone experienced something like this?I may sound like a looney but I had to take(still have to take sometomes) Diazepam for the aching stabbing pain in the back of my head and neck.My doctor prescribed me some NSAIDs and tramadol to calm down the pain but it only helped me only for a while.Now I only have a very tight band burning feeling on my head and neck like I said that turns into pain when I lay down,I can never sleep on my back 'cause it is so painful.After I wash my hair the stabbing pain returns more like electric shocks they are.I experience sometime extremely high pressure in my right eye that my eye will pop out soon.I had some pressure in my right part of my cheecks when I was laying down feeling my brain will explode any time soon.I was to an ENT too,said my sinuses are normal after doing an X-ray.I did also a cervical X-ray normal too.I don't know what to do anymore I took so make meds,applied heat and lotions to calm down the muscles ache even massagse but nothing seems to work.I really feel that this affected a lot my social life,I feel sometimes that I will lose it because all of the pain.I don't know if I'll ever be ok like I was before I thought I was a healthy person,now I just feel miserable I don't know if I'll ever be like I was before.Sorry for all the whining I thought I was a strong woman until this hit me.I won't make my story any longer I'll just ask if are any of you with this condition feel like I do a permanent burning tight band on my occipital side on your head 24h/7?Because that't what I do,I wake up with this feeling and sleep in pain.If I bend over I feel pain and pressure in the back of my head,I mean is this normal?I also have most of the times diziness,blurred vision and nausea.I just want this nightmare to end and have my life back.So,if you have any answers to my problem I'll be happy to read them.Thank you.