Mod. Nicky and I are also going to be introducing a few new things here very shortly, so as a part of the Headache/Migraine forum family-if there is anything you would like to see, Please feel free to let us know!
We are going to be writing some articles on specific headache topics, personal book and product reviews, local support group listings, and of course and new updates in the medical field on headache and migraine developments concerning treatments and latest findings-this is to ensure that we are all well informed about our condition(s).
We would also like to get our chat started again. The time will be posted soon, so keep your eyes and ears open for that. (Nicky and I need to get together on this-and if you all have suggestions for one evening time that would be best-we will TRY to accommodate)
HealingWell Migraine/Headache is your safe haven to come and learn and be a part of a supportive place for you to ask questions, learn about migraines and all other types of head pain and meet new people who suffer the same types of pain you do. So, please feel free to share your stories, ideas and anything else you'd like. This is your home...please let us know what we can do to make you more comfortable!
Welcome new and veteran members once again and thanks for being with us...we look forward to all the new things coming and welcome Nicky as our co-moderator!!! She is doing a wonderful job!
Migraine/Headache Forum Moderator