Posted 12/30/2015 2:31 AM (GMT 0)
I"m new here, I've been having some problems since july this year. I will tell you about 5 yrs ago I had BPPV and was treated with eply manuever, then headahces and neck pain, had trigger point injections and they worked. I'm also hypothryoid and in my 3 yrs postmenopause I guess,909 no period in 3 yrs, I'm 53 yrs old. I have anxiety disorder and health anxiety. This past July i was doing and exercise that required going to the ground and coming up quickly and about 2 hours after doing it had an awful vertigo attack. I went to my GP doc and he sent me back for eply, it helped but then the headaches and neck pain returned so went back to neuorologist and had trigger point injections again, except with these it messed up my thyroid med and took it out of my body and things went crazy again just like 5 yrs ago, but at that time didn't realise it was the injections that sent me into awful anxiety, well this time around my endocrinologist thinks the steriod injections killed the meds and made things awful, that was all 10 weeks ago and hoping the steriod are leaving the body now, still having anxiety to some degree most days. Well the dizziness has been with me for 6 months now so I went to and ENT and he thinks its vestibular migraine or MAV. My question is, does this type of magraine cause daily dizziness and off balance feeling? I feel like i'm rocking or swaying no matter wether i'm sitting, walking, laying down, standing, it happens all the time and 90% of the day everyday. It makes my anxiety come daily which makes it worse. I worry all day, the only time I'm not worrying is when i'm asleep and I don't do that so well. I have xanax to take for the bad days. I'm now worried about what i'm reading about MAV that it never goes away. Can someone please tell me if my symptoms sound like MAV. I first have the day before the dizziness and headache get bad this vision thing I call it looking like gray vision like a very light fog almost white, then the dizziness and off balance start, the off balance feels like I'm walking on marshmellows and the dizziness is a rocking sensation thru out my body, sometime i feel like i'm fallling forward when sitting, or backwards when I sit back, then this slight headache not a total headache, anxiety, hot flashes, chills, muscle aches in my legs at time, can't watch tv if the things in the picture are moving fast, can't watch traffic move, stores cause dizziness, lightheaded at times, shaking hands could be panic, fear and worry all the time. Could anyone tell me if the headache, dizzy, nausea, vision thing be MAV. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.
Thank you so much