Hey everyone!
I have a question...I know you've probably all heard this before..but im wondering if what I have is a migraine. I dont get them often, probably only once every 3-4 months or so, and they are usually during my period (or right before or after) or when I am under extreme stress (like the night before I had surgery was unbearable!) My symptoms are: extreme pounding pain right above my eyes on my eyebrows, on the very top of my head, and usually either to one side or right before my neck starts. Im super sensitive to light, especially from computers and fluorescent lights. Sound isnt so much of a problem, but I get really nauseous sometimes when the pain gets intense. Advil, Tylenol, nothing helps these except massive amounts of water and sleep. They usually last about 4 hours and then I sleep and wake up feeling tons better, but still just a little sensitive.
Would this be a migraine? Or just a really bad headache? (I have a minor one right now..the computer is hurtin me! haha)
Thanks guys! :)