Hello all I am new here. I am a 34 yr old female who was diagnosed with basilar migraines after 3 ER trips and a 3 day hospital stay within 2 weeks. I have had every test done that I could, MRI Cat scan, EEG, and they say basilar migraines. I just don't fit the profile, that is the problem I have. I am still in pain in the back of my head and neck, still have vertigo. I was prescribed topomox 50mg for the headache and a drug called fiorcet for the pain, all it does is mask it. It still has not completely gone away. It came on so suddenly I thought I was having a stroke or an annurysm the first time. I am just so frustrated. Does anyone have any experience with this or any advice. I think I should get a second opinion but I don't know where to go from here. I have never had migraines before and now all of a sudden I have them? Odd huh?