From my previous post (vent, etc) you see that i was "officially labled a doc. shopper/drug seeker after a call from an ER doc. It was a huge mess. My GP who I have seen for over 15 years said he was going to stop treating my migraines, and he called my neuro, etc. WELL, things are now resolved so I wanted to update a little. Sorry its so long.
So, a bit of an update. I finally got some issues straight with my docs. I just sat them down and told them the story (the doc. shopping, your a durg seeker one) and it was one huge ball of misscommunication. oh what a mess. I talked to my GP on the phone for 1 1/2 hours and sat in his offfice for another hour. He is a good man, who has always supported me and listened to me, so that is why I didn't understand what was going on. After he heard the facts and true story, he really understood. Also, I met with my neuro. today. He was really understanding and really says he feels helpless, not an easy thing for a doc. to say. He really wants me to go to The Diamond Clinic in Chicago, which I'm all for, but I don't know if I can afford it. (Because of medical bills I am going to have to go bandrupt. I have bill collecter litterally calling me six times a day) Also, he really encouraged me to apply for the Vagus Nerve Stimulator Study. He will also be able to program it, and manage my care for it after the study is over. (they use it for epilepsy)
He agreed to allowing me to use Stadol NS-one bottle a month- along with my Imitrex,Keppra and Nortriptyline. i also have ativan PRN *this was a huge deal for some reason a month ago*. I think they finally just saw my raw emotions and realized a bit of what I'm going through. He told me that I have litterally been on every medication known to help migraines. I did have success with topamax but had bad kidney stones and cognitive problems.
*I also asked about 02. He said that if I had clusster h/a he would prescribe it in a second. He said that studies show breathing Carbon Dioxide is successfull in treating MIGRAINES(not clusster). But he said that it would have to be used with the right amount of O2 and that it its just too dangerous to try. I agreed.
So, I see my GP again on the 9th for update, etc. He is the one that has to prescribe the stadol b/c neuro. doesn't prescribe narcotics, so he was a little scarred. i have in writing that my neuro. now agrees with the stadol for rescue med. so that should be good.
I now, will avoid the ER for a LONG TIME. that is where the drug seeker thing will be the issue. They keep telling me that "they don't have anything like a list, red-flag etc". But I feel differently about that one.
So maybe things will start to get better, or at least tollerable...
(sorry this is so long, thats for listening.)