Hi Guys,
Thankfully the blood tests that I had done over this last week have come out clear. While I was in Hospital I had two attacks which were treated with Oxygen. The first attack only improved a bit with the O2 but the second attack was completely aborted with the O2. This was brilliant for me as the O2 has no side effects to recover from as well. The MRI result has not come back yet.
I have been given Indomethacin to take for a few weeks with a gradually increased dose, together with something to protect my stomach. I am also to go back in for a day to be reassessed according to how the Indomethacin has worked or not, and if not I am to have the GONB (Greater Occipital Nerve Block), which is an injection of anaesthetic and steroids into the nerve at the back of the head. As I understand it it can give from 3 days to 3 months pain relief, but everyone's experience is different.
So now it is wait and see, but I do feel as if I am really getting somewhere now.
take care