Hi everyone, lots of pain here. I stopped taking all pain medicine for my migraines/CDH/CM yesterday morning and am I paying for it...
Here's my background. I'm 26, diagnosed with migraines a year ago this month. I've tried so many things - triptans, nasal spray, pain killers, ergotamines... I'm finally on 150mg of Topamax. When I get migraines, I take Caffergot or Excedrin Migraine.
However, I've also been diagnosed with CDH by my former neuro (he has since moved his practive an hour away). My temp neuro diagnosed me with Continual Migraine (she said her specialty isn't migraines, so she pawned me off to another doc that I haven't seen yet). CDH or CM? No clue. Every headache feels like a mild-to-moderate migraine until a major migraine comes along - this is daily.
To make a long story short, I've been having either CDH/CM for months on end, and because of that, I've been taking Excedrin Migraine daily and Caffergot a couple/few times a week for the past 5-6 months. Seriously, I've been taking at least 2-4 Excedrin per day for at least 5+ months, along with the Caffergot a couple/few times per week.
I tried to explain to others that I wouldn't have to take so much if I wasn't in so much PAIN!!!!!!!! But now I'm almost positive I'm having rebound headaches. There are no headache clinics around me. I can't afford to take time off of work. I can't seem to find a neurologist who strictly works with headache patients. Anyone live in MA?
My symptoms seem like that of a migraine every day, so does this just sound like a rebound headache?
- head pain (of course)
- pain behind the eye(s)
- sensitivity to light and sound
- nausea
- dizziness
- confusion
Please, if anyone has ANY suggestions or advice, PLEASE let me know. I'm on Day 2 of not taking anything and I'm in so much pain, I can barely stand it, never mind see straight. I appreciate it, guys.
Much love and no pain,