One night I was sitting down and my head felt heavy and then a headache started. My stomach also felt sick later that night. I assumed it was just a virus or something. I dealt with a pretty bad headache all weekend and then suffered through classes. Soon a whole week went by and the headache was STILL there. The headache was on my left side mostly...front of head, top of head, and pressure in back of hte head. My neck and back were also very sore along with the pounding head. The headache was not too bad in the morning, but pretty bad with pressure in the afternoon. The pressure isnt as bad now and the severity of the headaches has gone away, but the more I walk around, the more my head hurts.
I felt shakey like I had a fever which lasted a couple weeks. After two blood tests, a CT scan, and two rounds of anti-biotics, the headaches/weakness/shakeyness are STILL there. My vision is also blurry and I feel "out of it" all the time. I also feel extremely anxious and just ill all day. My hands shake and my body feels really shakey a lot of the time...Does anyone else have this or know what the heck it is? It's messing with my life! I hate it!!!
Thanks :)