I also suffer from hemiplegic migraines and was first diagnosed at the age of seven, I am now 31. I have tried virtually all preventative medications to try and control my attacks but with little success. Unfortunately I am very susceptible to side-effects, some of which even my consultants haven't heard of before. For example, I am currently taking Flunarazine and have been for over two years but due to side-effects I am back to the starting dose. I experienced severe muscle and joint pain, chest pain, numbness in my toes and I had the sensation that I was walking on broken glass (not nice!!) Thankfully since reducing the dose these symptoms have subsided but I am concerend that my attacks may return to their original severity. So one of my consultants is wanting to put me back on Topamax (as well as continue with the Flunarazine) but just at a very low dose as the side-effects I experienced were horrendous.
I have an attack every six to eight weeks which at their worst can last up to 12 days. Also I have tried numerous acute treatments but with very little success. I have been unable to find any triggers for these attacks, they are just part of me!
As well as hemiplegic migraines I also experience migraine with and without aura, and what is really grinding me down is my CDHs. These are what my cosnultants are trying to sort first and then they will tackle my hemiplegic migraines.
I hope you find some relieve.