From my understanding of the book, which i have not read, its not so much about
finances. Its about
thnking what you want. Not speaking or allowing a negative commentary to run through our brans unnoticed as we do at times.
Good example would be, Gettin ready in mornings, wow if i didnt have these thighs, putting on mascara : wish mine were longer, i probably wont get this job im appying for etc.
Now can i tell u it works? no.
I can tell you that during the war morphine was not shipped one nite so they told the soldiers (using sugar pills) that it was morhpine, all soldiers but 1 required a second dose. The power of the mind might be more than we give it credit for. In otherwords the power of postive thinking and of suggestions to oneself of postive outcomes might also steer or motivat you to ACT upon these feelings that otherwise you wouldnt have, therefore making more likey even in percentage for them to take place.
Now, I read a book (christan) called Creative Healing that used this principle only you quote God's truths over your body. keeping in mind that a verse he tells us says boldy SUCH AS A MAN THINK SO HE BECOMES>
i do not agree with any book that is said to bring success as far as money or for that sole purpose. If you look at it from a medical standpoint our body does indeed release endrorphins that may be helpful in healing and in helping with a positive attitude which then might lead to better choices and better treatment of your body overall : thereby finding success in the things you seek.
I can in NO way tell you that this book (shown on oprah works) i will agree that some of the stories around it were very interesting. Would i bank my life on it? no way. Would i consdier using it to make my thoughts and life more positive: possibly.
The rest wil have to be answered by others. I choose to follow, such as a man thinks he becomes, and i think that is really a huge statement of either faith or lack of..but again,,,reminding one to choose positive rather than negative.
We all know, even doctors that the will to live will defy medicine. They admit readily that they cannot predict death to the T due to the will to live factor.
So , In my total conclusion, life is so much better from the positive aspect. Medically they suggest the same, your body releases great things to heal you when in that happy mental why not?
I would abo****ely use caution if this book is merely a "how to get what i want" book.'
OH!! PLease allow me to vent also . this is not nor ever had been a secret! That is just a marketing approach, They tell you to create a vison board, pics of what you want to happen. Remember when (even now) weight liftes place pics of buff men up to help motivivate themselves? its the same principle.
Do i think it will CURE ms/ i think it could motivate you to exercise, eat better, mediate and find more funtion: possibly!
Hope you recieve better answers than mine