I'm really enjoying the posts here. I can relate and it feels really good to see now it was just me being weird about
somehing weird with my body. TK, I've never had my torso go numb yet but most all my extremities regularly take turns or stay that way these days. For the longest time, I thought my neuro was "sick of me" too until this last visit when he finally handed me the dx and admitted how much he hates doing that. So it wasn't being sick of seeing me with the same old, same old baffling stuff, it was hating what he saw he knew was coming down the pike and he'd have to eventually admit he knew from the start over a year ago. (His beef isn't with the disease so much as it is with the ins companies refusing tests, canceling coverages etc. It ticks him off - he's got a sister with MS who can't get insured becos of the dx.)
So now I feel better knowing it wasn't a personal thing but his personal thing about MS and Ins co's. :)
In the meantime, I'm learning.