I had gotten so sick and couldn't urinate nor could i hold down fluid or food. I didnt' understand why and gave a call to my Gp. She thought it was the kidneys losing more function so she got me in earlier.
Picture me sitting with knowing 43% function but the kidney doctor telling me that my kidneys are fine and the past insult really did resolve itself.
I was like, Well thats the greatest news ive ever heard , there is only one problem? I cant urinate! Nor can i hold fluid down.
He asked if id had any procedures as of late and i told him about a Dnc, he said that maybe this caused it or its gastrio. Again i said , You DO understand i have no urine output? Yes he did. I went home and remained sick x 3 days. Omg i hurt in my ribs , both sides but mainly left. I couldnt hold even my meds down. Not even the ones that keep naseau away.
the last time i went to throw up i felt an urge (you can stop reading if your easily embarrassed here)..
to have a bowel movement. I got up after throwing up but nothing came out. I thought on it hard, i hadnt had one in over 5 days but hadnt given it much thought (sounds nuts i know), but i got a fleet enema and when it "WORKED' , i felt new again, even the pain in the ribs left! I couldnt believe i had been so bad off to of cut off my own urine!...Also when i asked about 43 percent i was assured that my creatine was fine but that they said that due to : insufficient amount of urine dropped off (due to bowel blockage it turned out).
Not only was it not the kidneys but now my kidneys only have 39 protein which is the lowest in my life (miracle to me)..
I saw all of my doctors yesterday, my neuro feels its nerve related because after the first enema the second one didnt come out, and i was able to sleep with it in me UGH...he said to be VERY proactive to avoid a surgery for the bowels.
So we have MS. If you fail to be able to urinate , please KNOW unlike myself, that it doesnt mean the kidneys all the time, even if you have a low function rate (ensure the amount you dropped off is measured in ratio).....
Upper chest pain eased and i also learned the respect for GERD that i had thought was "nothing to give thought to".
My neuro also thinks my heel pain (so does Gp) is from my ankles twisting during episode.
My spinal doctor induced a headache in lower nerve behind my ear , then numbed it to avoid me having to continue taking immitrex for the constant headaches on one side of my head.
My neuro also released my neurontin , and said that he'd make it prn as they trust me and really feel that the one doctor who raised the questions was more than wrong, given the new good findings about my kidneys ( i pray this continues). I dont have to see my neuro until June ( i was going to appts every day and it was wearing me out).
I saw my GP right after and she agreed about the heel pain and took some type of level for vitamin D to see if she can REPLENISH me, also the spinal clinic finds my thyroid low and she does not so she will follow that as well. She told me i was lucky that i didnt end up in the hospital with my bowels (i should of went, i drank that prep for surgery too)...
She told me that im a good patient and she DOES believe God did this, as she prayed for my kidneys as well. She also gave me antibiotics for me to hold at home so that i dont have to come back in for a month (feel like im getting time off from work).
Psych-did the narcalepsy reading , i cant lie here, he didn't say much other than start me on provigil for it and told me it was a different brain disease and not from my ms (he has no clue of lesion location and neuro hadnt gotten the sleep study yet)...i really didnt feel like he discussed it very well...sigh.
today i go back for them to inject t2 t3 area in hopes that i can wear a bra again, this is something the spinal clinic stays up on. Prior to this i had no idea if injections worked or not, but i do get them in my neck , now my head for headaches (i may or may not do that one again) and now one in thoracic region.
Thank you all so very much for your support. I was so terribly scared and without output of urine and being told function was down , it seemed pretty normal to think it was the kidneys. I will say B
awesome that even if we have a kidney problem the bowels can fool you. Well from what ive seen, if you have MS and dont keep up with that alot it can build to the point that your complaints are misleading, such as chest pain, rib pain, throwing up, little urine output, general feeling of unwellness...when its really the bowels. Since i have a bad bladder, fiber will be used , and alot of it....to prevent this from happening again.
Rhonda, thanks for your support, well ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!
Im still a bit shook from thinking of axons and neurons being damaged or shrinking from narcalepsy and dont understand how i could have 2 brain disorders...but i guess more prayer and time will tell on that. For now at least noone will be in danger when i drive.
I soooooo appreciate the faith. Rhondas quote along with revvie and beau, and as i said, all of you...helped so much. I was really feeling to bad to sign on for the past week or so, until yesterday.
Keep an open mind though. Ms symptoms may not present the way you think. Such as the bowels, they surely tricked me and my Gp!