Hi to anyone that can help me with my questions. I am going to be going off my Avonex shots because my husband is retiring and we can't afford for me to continue my shots. Insurance doesn't pay enough to make it feasible and I'm on SSI and I don't make that much. First, has anyone went off Avonex? Did you have immediate reactions to MS symptons? I see someone wanting to have a baby said about
weaning off, how does one do that? Now I know about
some sights for people who can't afford and I've check them out and we own too much and my husband won't settle for less. So far from divorcing him ( which he has stood my me) which is not an option I can't find any sights that can help. We don't have a lot of cash or savings. But I am beyond and I am so disillusioned I don't know where to turn. I am
open for any information about
any sights that I could get help from. I just don't know where to turn. My neurologist didn't say anthing about
weaning me off the shots. So that was a welcome shock. My doctor just said I had to do what I had to do, and so I have felt pretty alone in my decisions. Thanks for listening if nothing else. GranmomJB